Blessed John XXIII Schola Cantorum
Joel Bacon, director
Alaina Bongers, harp
20 March 2010

1 Attende Domine 3:25
2 The Wisdom of Isaiah
Alaina Bongers, harp
3 Ave Maria
Giulio Caccini 1551-1618
4 Opening Invocation 0:34
5 Parce Domine 4:23
6 Confiteor and Absolution 0:56
7 All praise to thee, my God, this night 1:16
8 Psalm: In the silent hours of night, bless the Lord 3:29
9 Scripture reading: Deuteronomy 6:4-7 0:59
10 Responsory 1:10
11 What Wondrous Love
Alaina Bongers, harp
12 Canticle of Simeon 2:36
13 Blessing and Conclusion 0:34
14 Ave Regina Caelorum 0:49

If you would like me to make you a CD of these recordings, please send me an e-mail by clicking here.

Last edited 24 July 2013